The Quality Policy of KITSIOS A. MEGA GROUP, sets out its commitment to the implementation of a Quality Management System – in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems – with the aim of providing high quality services in compliance with the regulatory and legislative requirements and the constant effort to improve both the services provided and the Quality Management System itself.
The above commitment is achieved through:
Compliance with Legislative, regulatory and other requirements
Implementation of the required Audit & Documentation Procedures, Internal Audits, Non-Compliance Services and Improvement Proposals.
The introduction of appropriate Quality Indicators for the measurement, analysis and improvement of the critical processes for quality mentioned in the Operational Framework
The regular review of the Quality Indicators aiming at continuous improvement.
The commitment to analyzing and assessing risks and harnessing opportunities.
The commitment to Continuous Training & Training of staff, aiming to promote quality in every activity.
The recording and analysis of customer requests and feedbacks.
Ensuring the protection of the customer’s intellectual property.
The allocation of the required resources and their proper management.
The Protection and Safeguarding of Personal Data.
Customer satisfaction with the provision of high quality services in the shortest time possible time.
Immediate response to customer requests and complaints
Communicate the quality policy to the staff and to the outside partners of the company so that it can be successfully implemented.
Encourage and motivate staff and external partners to actively participate in the implementation of the QMS (Quality Management System).
This Quality Policy is regularly reviewed to ensure proper and effective implementation of the Quality Management System to achieve the objectives. It is binding for every employee at all levels of organizational structure. The same applies to every customer, foreign partner or partner and generally to any interested party.