Infidelity – Adultery

We deliver events and proof of infidelity, and we are doing it extremely well. The technological equipment we use and the monitoring techniques that we follow give you everything you need to know – wherever you are.

Do you feel that you are being lied to?

People are very creative when they are lying. They manage to do it for a long time (sometimes for more than 10-15 years). They’re lying, and you, as a companion, don’t see the signs and don’t notice anything unusual. We have seen people having a lot of cases of infidelity at the same time and living a double life.

You are being deceived by your partner?

Indisputable signs of infidelity are:

  • Your sex life has become worse and more monotonous with the passage of time
  • Your partner suddenly made new friends and doesn’t show the interest you are used to
  • Your partner is missing for hours, from home, or is slow to return from work without telling you clearly where they were for so many hours
  • The overall behavior towards you has changed: they get angry more easily, show indifference and don’t make the simple questions: how was your day?
  • Surprisingly, a large percentage of people who commit infidelity change their behavior to be deliberate, and act in good faith, wanting to throw dust in their partner’s eyes. They tend to buy gifts and show more interest to cover their back

The role of the private investigator

Our researchers are aware of the patterns that you should look for when watching suspects. We know the ways that they hide their tracks, and we know how to catch them red handed. We even know the lies that they tell their colleagues. The most important of all, though, is how we know to find and keep evidence.

According to our experience, the majority of people who come to us with suspicions of infidelity is not just being crazy. Usually, there was indeed some kind of infidelity.

It is important to have in your possession enough evidence before you confront your partner

In the event that you ask your partner if in reality they cheat, they will lie. Someone who is cheating uses any kind of tactic to hide what they have done. In addition, if you ask why, they’ll be more careful in their movements, and automatically it is more difficult to identify the evidence. If you suspect infidelity, the best thing you can do is to hire us to collect the evidence. Proceed to confrontation only in the event that you can prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that your suspicions are correct. Once you have the evidence in your hands you will really know who you are living with for so long and you’ll have the advantage before a court hearing, if you want to proceed to a divorce.

Your money may come and go, but your time is not refundable in any case.

Once your partner commits acts of infidelity once without you realizing it, they won’t stop. But how long will it take before you understand what’s going on? Don’t waste your years with someone who is cheating. Call us and find out the truth today!


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